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a few new pikkies

well hello!

i know i promised to update more regularly, and i know i have broken that promise, and i would like to make it up to you, just tell me how and i will!!

Master Dozer has started Hight School...yee haa, for the first time in his schooling life...HE IS HAPPY! no more drop kick loosers who will pick on anything that moves, no more short bubblers, no more LONG drive to drop off and pick ups!!!! i am Happyyyyy too! His school is just around the corner, he has mates galore, he is doing his homework VOLINTARY (is that how you spell it) please let me know! And he is getting out of bed before me!!! and that my friends is a HUGE deal! He just LOVES it, especially metal work, they are making a bird cage...(i think this means we have to get a bird) As for football, hw is still playing but not for Wests any more, he wanted a clean start with everything, school and football, so now he is playing for another team, and first practice is next week, so i will let you know how he goes!

Miss Hiccup, IS SO CUTE, she has personality plus this little princess of mine (ours), walking everywhere, talking the leg of a running donkey, she makes us laugh daily, and did i mention she is sooooo cute!

The cheque is yes you guessed it working, working, working hard, too hard with the restaurant and now the bistro with dad too, he is very busy, god love him,

and ME, yes i still LOVE my job, and will miss it terribly when we move away from Brisbane, but hey, sometimes you have to make a big decision, bite the bullet and just do it!!!

on the scrapbooking side of things, havent been doing a lot really, which is a little disapointing/sad, i guess its a mojo thing, and i just have to find mine again, i hope it hasn't run too far!

well thats about it today, will leave you with one last word....umm nah can't think of anything!
