vegemite kid!!!

yyyuuuuummmm vegemite!!!! she just loved it!!! GRUB!

At the dales (photo's)


isn't it cold...good morning everyone i know i have been slack in updating here, and not on the other one!!!! but that will stop i promise!

well today i will start with me, i am good thanks! Still loving my new job. we are in the process or moving shop so all is quiet there at the moment! i am on about a week of actually, because the builders forgot to build one of the walls at the new premises so we have to wait for that.. in the meantime for work Jason and i are working on the menu for the new cafe that is attatched to Threads & much fun! And guess what I AM KNITTING!!!!!!!
SEE!!!! the scalf i made for Emmy while she is freezing down south! and the other one (how many knitting projects can you have on the go at once)!!!! well to tell you the truth i have 5!! and i am loving it!!!! and i have learnt to make daisy flowers with a crochet hook and this little disk thinggy, and bead..... aaahhh i work hard!! No seriously i do work hard but every now and then when it is not so busy ( i wont say when it is quiet, because there are always people in the shop) someone teaches me something! love it love it love it.... and Rian one of the teachers there says i am the fastest yet to learn (big smiley face here)... Now if only i could get my hands in the felting oh and the handbag making... most of you know of my obsession with handbags!!! But that will come and i can not wait!!
The cheque is well, as usual working hard he and father dooroo, have just taken on the catering contract at a local bowls club... and FD can not wait, he has always wanted to do something like that.... i think if he didn't join the airforce he would have been a chef...but then he wouldn't have met my mother and i wouldn't exist and be here writting this jibber!!! (maybe that could have worked out!!!) lolololol..... Any way he is off to Sydney in a couple of days for a week or so to visit his family down there.
Hello Sydney family....i know you drop in occasionally for a read and catch up. all is well here the kids are great and growing everyday.. i have given Cheque a DVD of the kids for you to watch!
Miss Hiccup is SITTING up all by her self now.... slow and steady my girl is! Aunty Ree and Emmy had her for 1/2 hour the other day while mum ran out and picked Master Dozer up from school, and she sat for 4 minutes... they had never seen it before and ran around like mad women, taking photo's and trying to ring me at work, they were so excited.. Aunty Ree said to me when i got home, Emmy was running around saying "look at our baby mummy she is sitting up!!!" how cute Emmy!!!!! Miss Hiccup has also found that if she squeals she gets attention!!!! lucky she is so adorable!
Master Dozer is on school holidays at the moment (so my unknown week off worked in quite well) and there is no footy over the school break so he is quite lost over this break...i might have to take him golfing, so he has at least one thing to do!..
the pinq's are really really well still working hard and the shop is still doing well... so all is good there. Mrs Dale is in the US at the moment this is her 6th trip and i would say her last! the kids she nannies for are older now and dont need "nanny-ing" but they will always im sure need there grams!
went and visited Mr Dale and Pa yesterday and took some adorable photos of them and Miss Hiccup!!! will post them up soon!
well that is about it for now..OH... my 1 vs 100 update, i have made the top 150 from 2000 so will let you know how i go.... i had to send them some info and they said if i make the "mob pod" i will be with the crafty ladies!!!!! lol how funny is that. it will probably be me and 5 old women!!!lol but haven't heard about deal or no deal...
talk soon and more regularly i promise.................Ax
just a quick note today....i have been told by an "anonomous" commentor that i say too much personal stuff on my site!!! so from now on "anonomous" you are blocked from my site!!! HA!
maybe you should start using a name!!!!

well, life has been hectic..miss hiccup has decided that she is a night owl!!! yep up allllll night, was driving around in the car until 4.00am this morning just so she could get some sleep!!! Teething(still) i think..

Master Dozer is doing well, he is off on an excersion for lote today, they a doing to a temple and then for a yum cha...never had day trips like that when i was a kid.

The cheque is good....i should clarify BTW "anonomous" that he is called this not because i bludge his money...(he doesn't have any!!!), but because he is a chef and has checkered pants...also because it is his nick name given to him by his mates!!! anyway back to it.....he is still working way to hard. Hopefully now i am working way more hours, he will stop! but i doubt it!!

thats all today...bye...Ax

hello hello hello

before i start to tell this weeks story, i want to tell everybody......BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW!!!!.....because i didn't and guess what....yep...the bloody thing crashed and i lost the lot!!!! all my photo's including our wedding, the PinQ's wedding, our honeymoon, all the photos of Miss Hiccup's birth ...... the whole bloody lot, not to mention all The Cheques Menu's, Dozers homework and essays for the year..... the list goes on, i am not, i repeat NOT a very happy camper this week. so if anybody has copies of photo's i have emailed them or discs of photo's from the mentioned events (i know none of you have honey moon ones!!!!!) could you please please please send them to me!!!! thankyou in advanced

now that all that is out of the way...

hi everyone, i have had a fantastic week...i love my new job so much.....i am actually enjoying getting up and going to work, which i have not done for sooooo long! I am so in my element, i love it , i love it, i love it,. Have not had much time to scrap book mind you (ggggrrrrrhhhh) but there is a life outside cutting up pieces of paper.....cry cry cry.....if i keep telling myself that one day i may convince my self...

Aunty S is OS at the moment and she has taken my camera as you already know...i didn't realise that it was permenantly attatched to me until it was gone. i miss it... oh...and i miss her to (cheeky) i know you will read this from Latvia Aunty S....HI MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU STACKS. XXXXXX...BTW, you have missed Miss Hiccups first roll, raspberry, sitting up, kisses, and today she said....wheres Aunty S i miss her terribly!!!! (ok i made that last bit up). but you have missed them all becuse you have become this high flying jet setter!!!! hahahahah. hope you are having a great time, put a nickle in the pokies in vegas for me!!!!

Master Dozer was on a game show yesterday called Sharky's it is being filmed at the moment at chanel 9, it is a new kids quiz show.....he said it was boring....not to worry, its a good experience, speaking of game shows, yesterday i received an email asking me to go on 1 v's 100 AND deal or no cool is that....two celebs in the house on one day!!!
i think i am on a roll, dont they all good things come in threes...hhheeeheheheheh..

The Cheque......same as always working working working, however he has friday, saturday and sunday of this week.....but i am leaving him and off to a retreat with 100's of other likeminded scrapbookers... not sure about leaving Miss Hiccup, but everybody told me that i should go, and they will all be around to help as quick as a flash i said O.K then i will go!!!!
Miss PinQ is coming as well, and we will join Leah, Lis, and Sandra to form our own little "club" and we are determined to win the costume crop this week end!!! i will post photo's of our costumes from the night when i get back...if we dont win....we are definitely beeing ripped off!!! This years theme is troppo cropping so you can imagine what we are wearing...if any one remembers what we wore last year....(pj's and pearls) this is much bigger....and much better!!!!! Miss PinQ rekons we have got it in the bag!!!!!

well have a great weekend every one, cause i know i will......GO WESTS!!!!! i know this week is your week!!!!!