its like my first day at school again....

well i started my NEW job today, and i have to say I LOVE IT... for those of you that don't know, 3 weeks ago i was offered a job at a wonderful little store called Threads and More at Bardon.. after accepting it, then knocking it back, then a few more phone calls and negotiating, i accepted the job, and i have to say i am so glad i did.... i am in my element. As most of you know i am pretty crafty, and i will admit pretty darn good at it too.. So today on my first day, besides learning the to open the shop, turn on computers, coffee machine, etc, etc, etc, i made my first necklace....yes and it was gorgeous!!!, i also got to play with a little braiding thing which looks like a hexagon and you rotate the threads to make a shoe lace, or you can do it with beads, to make necklaces, and many many other things... well....i love everything about this place, the staff are fantastic....and i am the youngest there (for a change), the customers are fantastic, and the stock in the shop is totally gorgeous..i am so happy.. I think i will have a very happy and long working life with these people!!!!

Scrapbooking.... well i have entered 4 challenges this month and have gotten 1 first, 1 second and 2 thirds, cant complain really, and have also had one of my layouts titled faeries accepted for publication, in scrapbook memories!!!! toot toot for me!!! you can see the LO on my other site (just click to see) i love it so much and i am so glad that they do too....

well Miss Hiccup has a cold at the moment, lots of little parcels coming out of her nose and mouth!!! but i have to say for someone who is miserable, she still has a mighty fine spirit about her!!!! little monster/angel!!

Master Dozer has no football training this week as we have a bye for our next game (yay, finally some points up on our table) have to get them anyway you can!!!!!! The poor little blighters still have not had a win!!! and boy do they get shirty lately....some of them are down right little turds!!! but as long as the boys remember that this is a game for fun and exercise not sheep stations (mind you some other people not just the boys, should remember this also), they just keep plodding least they have gotten out of the habit of running like a crab on the field!(sideways) and have started to go forward, which is a start!!!

The cheque, is yes you guessed it, still working hard and lots of long hours, hopefully with me now working more hours, he can cut back on sundays at least!!!!!

the dooroos, have just returned from their galivanting around the pin point state (tassie), with a bag full of goodies, a belly full of gourment tucker, a camera full of happy snaps, and a head and heart full of memories, they absolutely loved it, which i knew they is such a wonderful place!!!

the pinq's are doing well, miss pinq had a little medical scare, had a little procedure and thank god, was all OK...kissies to you lady pinQ x x x x x x

Aunty S arrived in Vegas out vegas!!!!!! it is the first leg of her little mini, almost around the world trip. After she has done her stops around the US she is going to visit some rellies in germany, and see the house that mum was born in and tramp of to Latvia to do a little look around to see where my grandfather came from, and a few other stops, not exactly sure where!!! slack niece i am!!!,, one thing i do know is that i leant her my camera, and i miss it all ready.....scrapbookers...cameras....hand in hand really!!!! Mum is lending my he faithful old Kodak, so i dont get photo taking withdrawrals, as you all know i take about 20 - 30 a day!!!! And thats not including the ones i take of Miss Hiccup and Master Dozer....

well waffled enough today... so must be off and get the kiddly winks some food
thanks for dropping by....Ax

morning mummy!!

this is what i get greeted with every morning
as i am having my first cuppa - "morning mummy "
is what comes with it.....dont ya just love the hair!!
Bless Him!!!!

only a mother could love it!!!!!
(he was extremely shitty that i took this)


two post in two days...what is she on!!!!!

I forgot to mention yesterday that on mothers day my nieces Matilda and Emma- Jean gave me a "paper doily" in a shoe box, on this doily was written, "Aunty Niss - one facial, one hand massage, one foot massage, baby sitting for the day and waitress for the day....after i had mine done, every body else wanted theres done!!!! here a a couple of pics of Grandma Dale and Aunty W having there massages,

and my feet after there wonderful treatment..

and to say thankyou to the girls, i gave them a
couple of foils each, (yeah i know, i do have a box
in my boot at all times with product in it)!!!!!

happy mothers day mum....wherever you are!!!! My mum is on the road somewhere between the Gordon River and Cradle Mountain in Tasmania...and she is either ignoring the 20 or so phone calls i tried to make or thay have no phone range!!!! So HAPPY MOTHERS DAY (yelling) maybe she will hear. We had a lovely mothers day, my first one with miss hiccup (12th with the dozer!) Pa, Lyn-maree, Emma-Jean, Matilda and I had pancakes with banana, maple syrup, and ice-cream for breaky!!! hehehehe (what boombaladas we are) but wait it gets worse!!! then for lunch we had scallops and hot chip with fresh soft delicious bread sandwiches..... then dinner.....(full to my neck already) the Dales did a scrumpsious roast with all the trimmings....mmmmmm.....gotta love that...then cake...mwhahahah..(forgot to add the night before Pa shouted us all Pizza, chicken wings, garlic bread, and for desert choc drumsticks...) Yes i will not be eating thismorning!!!!!!

well the kids are all good, and the cheque..yes is still working hard he worked all weekend, so Monday is his weekend.. and we are off to get the windows in the cars tinted and lunch, maybe i will eat!!

I got a new job...i will no longer be hairdressing....(only for special people)..As of the 24th May i will be working at THREADS and MORE at Bardon.. it is a craft shop that specializes in yarns, threads, beads etc etc scrapbooking though......(i will see what i can do)...tooooo exciting! yes i think it is time for a change, i do absolutely love hairdressing, but after 18 years....well...

OHHH forgot to tell you what i got for mothers day...Master Dozer got me the CD i wanted..(now to get the played in the car fixxed) because it is not one that the men in the house favor!!! and Miss Hiccup got me NEW PILLOWS!!! aaahh had the best nights sleep last night! Now to see if thy stay on my side of the bed...or will "migrate " to the "other side" like all the good pillows do!!!!! (will let you know in a week) heres a little picture (or 3) to say good bye soon....Ax

thanks for looking....

when you snap a good one

you just have to fiddle with it and turn it into a work of art!!!

i took this picture of Master Dozer and the Hiccup, on Dozers birthday on sunday...there is a park in Buderim, which has the most amazing trees in it, and as we were driving back to brizzie on Sunday, i made them all get out of the car so i could have this shot... talk about scrapbook obsessive!!! Well i just LOVE IT!! yes i did add the fairy wings from a program, they are not always there.... however i have said in previous post that she was about to sprout them!!!!... Alas there they are...

Yes as i said it was Dozers birthday on the weekend...a big 12 o my where have the years gone...he got very spoilt, he has cash spurting out og his ears, a new skateboard for him and his father to airbrush a design on, a new good charlotte guitar and stacks of other stuff......SPOILT OR was also miss pinq's fathers 60th on the weekend, hence why we were in Buderim, we suprised him with a piano accordian, and i would have to say it was the first time i have ever seen the man speechless......i was amazing to watch his face as he opened his pressie....did not expect that at all...a great weekend was had by all.

as you all know it is Mothers day this weekend... so to all the mums or (moms) for you yankies out there happy mothers mum will be away is Tassie for it, so she will have to wait until she gets back..mwhahahah....EVIL..

Miss Hiccup is doing well had her needles yesterday, so no one got much sleep last night, 2 in one leg, 1 in the other... poor little critter...had temperatures and must have had sore legs, she didn't sleep much at all, maybe she will catch up today.

thats about it today... have uploaded new layouts on my other site if you want to have a gander, including one done with the beautiful picture above.

talk soon ....Ax

Strange People Strange Minds.....

This comes to us from the lovely Linda M.

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs?
Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs copy & paste it and send it on to your clever family & friends to see if their brains are up to it.. xx

i could read it perfectly and quite fast, however i had to slow down a little when it got back to the normal writing....doh...A x

Thanks Linda x x x x

what do you do

when you can't sleep!!! i will tell you what i do, i catch up on my blogging!! i have been up since 3.18am, yes thats right 3.18am!!!! so i have read everybodies blogs that i know, even read older posts that i haven't caught up with AND left comments!! WOW you say, she never leaves comments.... well i have turned over a new leaf, and since people have started to leave comments on my other site, (you guys are too lack over here on this site!!) and have enjoyed receiving and reading them, i presume other site holders must feel the there fore i have officially become a "site comment leaver" and proud of it!! I think i need a special shirt or something made, "Hi, Im a blog commenter and proud of it!" So with visiting others blogs for 2.5 hrs this morning i thought i may as well update mine, 2 in one week i hear you say, that will throw you wont it !!! mwhahahah, my horns are poking through right now!! not much to say about the squids and Cheque today, but....oh, we went to the Dales for dinner last night... lovely night was had by all, Dadad cooked Master Dozers fav .... steak ... hmmmm.. medium rare just the way he likes it on the BBQ hmmmm (again)

The Cheque booked yesterday to go skiing with his Little Bro and Lou .. and i think he is feeling guilty about it because he asked last night "dont you usually go off to some scrapbooking retreat for the weekend soon?" to which my reply was "yes but not this year we can't afford it and Miss Hiccup is still a bub!" to this his answer was... i think you should go i will take 2 days off work and look after her!!! hahaha GUILTY!!!! which is quie funny, because i had lunch with a girlfriend yeasterday and she asked me if i was going this year, and i said no, so i will ring her this morning (at a better hour than now though) maybe when normal people are awake, and tell he to book me in danno...i am commin' scrappin'.

this year it is at korralbyn resort 2 lovely days and nights of non stop scrapping and dressups and eating and drinking with hundreds of nattering women everywhere ...hmmm.....i now that this does not sound appealing to most of you but to me it is what i imagine heaven is like, only less white!! Oh.. and i didn't mention to him that i HAVE to go to a 2 day retreat at Brookfield in July as well (you dont have to sleep over though, you can go from 7am till 9pm, saturday and sunday) ....well I dont HAVE to go but i am!!..It is with completely different people to the other i can't be snobbing off one group can I !!!! (looks like i have to work a few extra hours i don't think he will come at paying for 2 retreats in one year, let alone 2 in 2 months!!) much does it cost to go skiing for a week i wonder.... must google ski holidays!!! mwhahahah my horns are getting bigger!!! evil me!!

chat soon .....Ax...